Today we visited Jaime Ash. Jaime sells pigments that are mixed into the final coat of plaster. She has hundreds of samples and works with you to create a final color for your home.
Jaime poses in front of some of her samples.
Suzie looks on as Jaime puts her samples with our floor and shower tile.
Kenny the backhoe guy is coming today to dig the gas line to the street and bury some water tanks. Here Suzie & Ivy figure out where to dig the trench for the gas line.
Kenny moves one of the 500 gallon cisterns. We will use one to capture gray water (shower & laundry) and the other to capture water off the rooftop. We will use this water for irrigation.
The gray water cistern is in place and I attach the overflow line.
On Wednesday we had the well guy, the plumber, the electrician and the backhoe guy all ther together to bring the water into the house. We connected something called a pitless adaptor four feet below ground and ran a lin into the mechanical and pressured up the water in the house.
Suzie and Rusty watch as Kenny Drake backfills the hole.